"Top 10 Must-Have Art Supplies for Every Art Student

by - April 14, 2023

 "Enhance Your Creativity and Achieve Your Artistic Goals"

As an art student, you may already know that having the right art supplies can make a big difference in your creative process and the final outcome of your artwork. 

Colour full hand

here's an index of the top 10 must-have art supplies for every art student:

  1. Sketchbook and Pencils
  2. Paints
  3. Brushes
  4. Canvas and Painting Surfaces
  5. Palette
  6. Erasers
  7. Sharpener
  8. Pastels
  9. Scissors and Cutting Tools
  10. Glue

But with so many art supplies available in the market, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones are essential for your artistic needs. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the top 10 must-have art supplies that every art student should have in their toolkit.

Sketchbook and Pencils:

A sketchbook is an essential tool for every artist to jot down their ideas, draw sketches and doodle. Choose a sketchbook with good quality paper that can handle various mediums such as pencil, pen, and ink. 

Cover of sketchbook
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Also, make sure to have a set of graphite pencils in various grades to allow for different levels of shading and detailing.

Pencils with rubber on back

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Depending on your preference and style, you can choose from a variety of paints such as watercolors, acrylics, and oils. Watercolors are great for creating transparent washes, while acrylics are perfect for vibrant and opaque colors. Oils take longer to dry but are excellent for blending and layering.

Paints over paper by artist

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Invest in a variety of brushes for different techniques and effects. A set of round and flat brushes in various sizes is a good start. Also, make sure to have a good quality brush cleaner to maintain the longevity of your brushes.

Paint bushes in a mug

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Canvas and Painting Surfaces:

Choose a canvas or painting surface that suits your medium and style. Canvas is suitable for most painting mediums, while watercolor paper is perfect for watercolor painting. Other surfaces such as wood panels and pastel papers are also great options.

Canvas painting surface with painted bottle

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A palette is necessary to mix and blend your paints. You can choose from a variety of palettes, from plastic to glass or ceramic.

Colour pallet

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Erasers are an essential tool for any artist. Choose from different types such as kneaded erasers, rubber erasers, and electric erasers to achieve different results.

A big eraser on the table

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A sharpener is necessary to keep your pencils sharp for precise and detailed drawings. Choose a good quality sharpener that won't break your pencils.

Sharpener placed on the notebook with pencil

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Pastels are versatile and can be used for drawing, painting, and mixed media. Choose from soft or hard pastels depending on your preference.

Pastel colours

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Scissors and Cutting Tools:

Scissors and cutting tools such as a craft knife or paper cutter are necessary for cutting and trimming paper, canvas, and other materials.

Scissor on the table with tape and cutting tools

Click here to buy scissor
Click here to buy cutter 


Choose a good quality glue that can bond different materials such as paper, fabric, and wood. A glue stick or liquid glue is suitable for most art projects.

Artistic blue with close up coming out of the nozzle

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In conclusion

Having the right art supplies is essential for every art student to enhance their creativity and achieve their artistic goals. By investing in these top 10 must-have art supplies, you can set yourself up for success in your artistic journey.

Have fun!!

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